Quotation Request

Cleaning Contractors

Your Contact Details
About Your Business
Your Requirements
Financial Estimates
Optional Covers
Work Split
External Cleaning
Additional Covers

Your Contact Details

Duty of Fair Presentation

It is your responsibility to provide complete and accurate information to insurers and us prior to and when you purchase an insurance policy, throughout the life of the policy, and when you renew that policy. Failure on your part to immediately disclose information relevant to your insurance or any inaccuracies in the information given could result in your insurance cover being invalid or not fully operative. All statements and material facts disclosed on proposal forms, statements of fact, claims forms and other documents should be full, true and accurate. Material facts are those that would influence an insurer in deciding whether to accept a risk and the terms and conditions that would apply. Where forms are completed or partially completed on your behalf, you should check them for accuracy before signing. If you are in any doubt as to whether a fact is relevant, you should disclose it and then ask for guidance.

We are an independent insurance intermediary and offer a specialised range of products and services from Hiscox Limited. We act as an agent of your insurer when operating under a delegated authority agreement.
Your name:
Your email address:

Your phone number
If you have a discount code please enter it:
Please note, the codes are case sensitive

About Your Business

You will be covered for a wide range of activities in addition to your main activity. These will be listed on the final page

If you operate a CLEANING AGENCY (introducing Self Employed Cleaners to clients) please can you email the office for your quote on [email protected] as this online product is not appropriate for your business.
What is your main business activity:
What is your full legal business name (including partners/principals names if applicable)
Eg. Joe Bloggs t/as J Bloggs Cleaning or if Ltd, J Bloggs Cleaning Ltd. This will appear on your documents, so please ensure it is correct.
Do you have anyone else working for your business other than you or your business partner (if you operate a partnership)?

Your Requirements

Who is your current insurer?
When do you need cover from?
**** Hidden*** PL Premium

Financial Estimates

As you have confirmed that you have others working for your business you will need Employers Liability Insurance.

Please answer the following questions to enable us to include this cover

The limit of indemnity provided for Employers Liability cover will be £10,000,000
What is your estimated annual turnover
Please overwrite with your current turnover
What is your estimated annual wageroll for your employees
What is your estimated annual payments to self employed cleaners
What is your estimated annual payments to specialist contractors
***** Hidden***** Tools Cover

Optional Extensions to Cover - VERY IMPORTANT

We can include covers that many other insurers can't. Please choose the covers you would like to include from the following;


Damage to Property Worked Upon & Treatment Risks
This will provide cover for damage to the item you are cleaning at the time you are cleaning it. It also covers damage caused by chemicals you use.

Would you like to include this cover?
Loss of Customer's Keys & Failure to Secure Their Premises
This covers you for loss of your customer's keys and the cost of replacement locks. Also for claims made where you have failed to lock up correctly.

Would you like to include this cover?
Dishonesty (by employees/self employed cleaners)
This provides cover for theft by your employees and unauthorised use of customer's telephones by your employees/self employed cleaners.

Would you like to include this cover?

Work Split

Is the work your business undertakes

External Cleaning

Please provide a split of the work you undertake

Please note that we need to know the height at which the cleaner will be working, not the height of the window etc.
Internal Cleaning
External Cleaning

Work from the ground
Work Up to 10m in height
Work Up to 25m in height
Work Over 25m in height
**** HIDDEN**** Total Percentage of Cleaning
If you work over 25m in height please provide

The maximum height you work at
The methods used to undertake such cleaning
Hidden Height


We understand you have suffered 1 claim in the last 5 years
We understand you have suffered 2 claims in the last 5 years
Please provide full details of each claim including:

1st Incident

Date of the incident
The amount of the claim
The circumstances of the claim

2nd Incident

Date of the 2nd incident
The amount of the claim
The circumstances of the claim

Additional Covers

Commercial Legal Expenses Insurance

We can provide cover for Commercial Legal Expenses for an additional premium.

The DAS Commercial Legal Protection Policy offers comprehensive cover for all the main areas where legal disputes may arise.

Cover includes
  • Employment Disputes & Compensation Awards
  • Property Protection
  • Tax Protection
  • Attendance Expenses (including Jury Service)
  • Bodily Injury
  • Legal Defence
For more details of the cover please click here

Would you like to include this cover

Tools & Equipment Cover

Please specify the amount of cover you require


Do you want to cancel this policy
Remaining days to end of term
Upto 15m
Upto 25m
Upto 35m
Upto 65m
Upto 15m
Upto 25m
Upto 35m
Upto 65m
Legal Expenses
Damage Calc
Loss Keys Calc
Dishonesty Calc
Removal of Goods Calc
Am I Imported?
Am I a renewal
Hiscox Policy Number
If this is a New Business case, leave this field blank - the Hiscox policy number will be populated automatically when the case is placed On Cover.

If the client already has an existing Hiscox policy number, by way of a policy not previously set up in SchemeServe, please enter it here:
Does this client pay by DDM?
Is this an ANNUAL DDM case?
If this record is an adjustment and the client does NOT pay by DD, has the premium relating to the adjustment been paid in full by the client / refunded in full to the client?
If this record is an adjustment and the client does NOT pay by DD, please enter the date of payment of the MTA premium in full by the client, or the date any refund was made in full to the client
Producer Name
Producer Commission Rate
Rates Version
** Not in use yet **
Documents Version


Is the Business exempt from the requirement to have an Employers Reference Number (ERN)?
Do you know your Employers Reference Number (ERN)?
If you are unable to provide the ERN at this stage we will contact you at a later date to obtain this information